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Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021

Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying

 Hello everyone! In this time of class on-line , one of the best subject is analytical chemistry. This subject  it is about analysis of a sample  doing different tests it is possible to find out  element of the periodic table makes up the sample, for example , Flame test.In this test, placing the sample on fire will show a colour, this colour can be, for example,  orange or green and will be calcium or barium.There are more tests to be able to be more accurate with the type of sample.   I like the idea of being able to determine a substance in the lab, in adittion,  it's my first time that can be felt beyond a theorical subject. Before I studied this subject,I thought I would be a subject boring because in the planning included a lot of content from an earlier subject called "General chemistry II",besides, in this subject there were many problems with teachers on evaluation issues, but I am surprice with Analytical chemistry. This is my last blog , I hope you enjoyed it a